Monday, October 25, 2010

Micro Nutrient Research Project

For this assignment students will select a method that best demonstrates their understanding of collected data and their learning preferences to clearly present the importance of their micro nutrient in the human body.

A. Your job is to research, discover and present details that answer:

  • What are the main functions of this micro nutrient in the body?
  • Where do people get this nutrient from? What are its sources?
  • How much of the nutrient do we need? What are the recommendations associated with this nutrient?
  • What are the effects of an imbalance? What can happen if we have too much or too little

B. You are also responsible for designing your own questions at this point to expand your investigation. The purpose is to find answers regarding interesting facts or details that were not uncovered using the earlier questions provided. This way you are given an opportunity to take more responsibility for how and what you learn.

Knowledge: of facts and terms
Required information was accurately researched with information presented for each of the five categories.
Functions in the body                                       Sources of the nutrient
Amount recommended daily                            Effects of a surplus and deficiency
         Interesting facts

Thinking/Inquiry: research & inquiry skills and critical & creative thinking
Information has been carefully researched and checked for accuracy 
The reference material supported by research
Additional Questions were planned and researched

Communication: of ideas, use of language and purpose for audience
Information and Questions presented are:
                        logical and easy to understand
                        clear and concise
                        engaging and interesting

Application: making connections b/w subject and personal experiences & outside the school.
Applied new ideas and skills in a familiar display context
Considered the audience

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